Community Advisory Group

Mercy Health’s Community Advisory Groups (CAGs) provide local advice from a consumer, carer and community perspective, to help our health services better understand and respond to the needs of the communities we serve.

Mercy Health has Community Advisory Groups in place at:

  • Mercy Hospital for Women
  • Werribee Mercy Hospital
  • Mercy Health Albury
  • Mercy Care Centre Young
  • Mercy Mental Health — Voices of Consumer Carers Alliance Link (VOCCAL).

Each group is sponsored by an executive or senior manager. Membership consists of consumer advisors who have had direct or indirect experience of the health service as a patient, client, carer, family member or friend, or who are members of the local community. Members are appointed to an initial term of three years, with the option of renewing for a maximum of two terms. Community advisors participate on a voluntary basis, with the exception of VOCCAL. With prior agreement, Mercy Health reimburses community advisors for the costs of attending CAG meetings (for example, travel expenses and printing).

CAGs meet every two months at the relevant Health Services site for a 1–2 hour meeting. New members undertake orientation to Mercy Health and the work of the CAG and its members.

Each CAG reports to the Health Services Clinical Governance Committee and minutes are shared with Mercy Health’s overarching Consumer Advisory Committee (CAC). Mercy Health CAGs partner with us in in a variety of ways, including review and analysis of performance data; participation in planning, design and redesign activities; providing feedback and input on improvement projects; and contributing to staff education to raise awareness of consumer experiences and the importance of consumer engagement.

If you are interested in joining a CAG to make a difference to your local health service, or if you would like more information, please contact our Consumer Participation and Experience team via or 03 8416 7859.

Last reviewed May 1, 2018.

Community Advisory Committee

The Mercy Health Community Advisory Committee (CAC) provides strategic advice from a consumer, carer and community perspective

Community Advisory Committee

Consumer Stories

Meet some people just like you who are giving consumers a voice at Mercy Health.

Consumer Stories

Providing feedback

We value feedback from the people we care for, including from your families, friends, carers, and the broader community. Find out how to register a concern, complaint or compliment, or make a suggestion for improvement at Mercy Health.

Providing feedback