Last reviewed June 13, 2024.
More families to benefit from new early parenting service
Mercy Health has been selected by the Victorian Government to operate a brand new early parenting centre in the City of Whittlesea in Melbourne’s northern suburbs. This exciting new development is an acknowledgement of Mercy Health’s experience and expertise in supporting young families.
The people of Melbourne’s West are being heard!
Mercy Health has welcomed the Victorian Government’s allocation of $4.8 million in yesterday’s state budget to complete planning for the third stage of Werribee Mercy Hospital. Mercy Health Group Chief Executive Adjunct Professor Stephen Cornelissen said that the funding is a clear sign the voices of the people of the west of Melbourne are being...
The people of Melbourne’s West are being heard!
Aged care royal commission
Mercy Health supports the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety In early 2021, the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety will release its final report. It has made recommendations to government about issues that need to be addressed and changes that need to be made to reform our aged care system...
Aged care royal commission