The following is in response to an article that appeared in the Wyndham Star Weekly (30 August 2022), with updated figures.
Werribee Mercy Hospital is one step closer to meeting an enormous projected growth in demand, with the announcement of new architects and engineers for our $110 million Emergency Department (ED) upgrade.
The new ED will double our capacity, with treatment spaces to increase from 33 to 67, plus four resuscitation bays, 16 short stay beds, 36 emergency care cubicles and a behavioural assessment room.
In the meantime, progress towards our new ED will be supported by our temporary Short Stay Unit, which boosts interim capacity while we finalise plans for the growth of our hospital campus.
With Wyndham’s population growing so fast, Werribee Mercy Hospital will be providing public hospital care for almost half a million people a year by 2036.
Last reviewed August 31, 2022.