Today Mercy Health has the great pleasure of announcing the appointment of Mercy Health’s new Group Chief Executive Officer, Angela Nolan who will commence in the role on 3 October, replacing our long-serving former Group CEO Stephen Cornelissen.
In writing to Mercy Health staff today, Chair of Mercy Health, Virginia Bourke said she was pleased to be able to introduce Angela whose outstanding CEO and senior executive experience in the health and aged care sector and broad, multidisciplinary background is balanced by her authentic leadership qualities. Ms Nolan is currently the CEO of St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne.
Ms Bourke said the health and aged care sector are facing a period of great change and renewal as we recover from the global pandemic and reinvent our aged care system in Australia. Angela’s professional ability, her deep understanding of the public health system and the Catholic health sector and commitment to reform in the aged care sector are the right gifts to possess to successfully lead our organisation into the future.
In a short message to Mercy Health staff Ms Nolan spoke of her admiration for Mercy Health.
“Mercy Health is an organisation I have long admired for its enduring commitment to humanity through compassionate care and I consider it a privilege to join as Group CEO.”
“Mercy Health is well positioned as a leader in much needed reform of the Australian health and aged care sectors and I am very much looking forward to working with the Mercy team to advance this cause for the many communities we serve.”
Together with the Board and executive of Mercy Health and in the great Mercy spirit of hospitality, Ms Bourke welcomed Angela on behalf of all of our teams in health and aged care across Australia.
“Mercy Health looks forward to working with her building on our strong tradition of compassionate care in health and aged care, in realising our mission to bring God’s mercy to those in need,” Ms Bourke said.
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Last reviewed June 7, 2022.